19-23.12.05:B.Stoker: Dracula's Guest 5 pages (3 students)
When we started for our drive the sun was shining brightly on Munich, and the air was full of the joyousness of early summer. Just as we were about to depart, Herr Delbruck (the maitre d'hotel of the Quatre Saisons, where I was staying) came down bareheaded to the carriage and, after wishing me a pleasant drive, said to the coachman, still holding his hand on the handle of the carriage door, "Remember you are back by nightfall. The sky looks bright but there is a shiver in the north wind that says there may be a sudden storm. But I am sure you will not be late." Here he smiled and added, "for you know what night it is."
Johann answered with an emphatic, "Ja, mein Herr," and, touching his hat, drove off quickly. When we had cleared the town, I said, after signalling to him to stop:
"Tell me, Johann, what is tonight?"
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pour presentation: Alexandra Vecerina
Lydie Allaz
Maritza Gaete
Lorianne Neyroud, Erminia Mossi et Valérie Rod
Drakul was already an horror star in the XVth Century. For my first year students, I recorded a 1450 song about Dracula. The words of the song refer to a dramatized (already) version of the real life of a Valachie prince. So, already in 1450, there were legendary accounts about this real prince. The question is: why do we LIKE Daracula? (In the 1920's silent movie "Draulca" by Murnau, Dracula is determined to die eternally for what he wants most, and, indeed, he gets what he wants. So he is portrayed as a positive figure).
Georges Schmutz
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